Santa Clarita spiritual medium, Yesenia Berbiar, was recently on KHTS FM 98.1 & AM 1220 for a live on-air interview where she talked about how she can help people communicate with their loved ones, and sometimes even see the future.
Yesenia welcomed a client and friend of 10 years, Amy, on the show to talk about how Yesenia helped her reconnect with her daughter who had passed away. Amy’s daughter killed by a hit and run driver, and she struggled with the idea that she never got to say goodbye. She met with Yesenia and was able to connect with her daughter.
“When I left there, I had a sense of peace that I didn’t have prior to that,” said Amy, talking about their first meeting.
Yesenia says that she can help people communicate with their loved ones that have passed away, but can even sometimes sense the future. She once had a client that Yesenia told to have her Dad go to the hospital, and when they did they found his cancer.
To learn more, listen to the full interview here.
Healing Hearts, Healing Souls… this best describes how Spiritual Medium Yesenia Berbiar spends her life. She helps heal people here in the physical, as well as those who have passed on. She heals their hearts, she heals their souls.
When we lose a loved one, whether they are human or animal, we grieve. That is the natural process we all experience, as the result of our loss. Even though our loved ones see “The Bigger Picture” in heaven, they too can become sad and feel helpless when they see us unhappy.
It can be a difficult task for spirits to communicate with us here in the physical world. That’s where Yesenia comes in; she helps people in the physical world communicate with their loved ones in heaven. This communication is healing for everyone involved. The realization that life really does exist after the physical body dies, and that our loved ones are doing well, is huge! As far as our loved ones in heaven, healing occurs when they get the chance to simply say “hello”, “goodbye”, or “I love you.”
Are you ready to let the healing begin? Are you ready to continue on your spiritual journey? If so, then let Yesenia help find your way. She has already helped hundreds of people around the world. Now it’s your turn…
Yesenia Berbiar, Spiritual Medium